On 25th of February, the 1st LabsLand Community Event took place, the day before the REV2020 conference started. 22 people from 12 universities from the US, Germany, South Africa, Spain, Portugal and Costa Rica participated (with one person from India sending a video to be displayed in the event), as well as Luis Rodriguez and Pablo Orduña from LabsLand.
The event started with LabsLand showing the recent developments in the platform and laboratories, and then each of the universities had some time for presenting their results and discussions.
Cándido Aramburu, from Universidad Pública de Navarra, presented the FPGA remote laboratories that were co-developed between LabsLand, UPNA and UNIFESP (Brazil), and the results. There was also a paper in the conference about this, which indeed won the Best Paper Award!
Our friend Narasimhamurthy from the Siddaganga Institute of Technology in India could not attend in person, but sent us a video to present the laboratories they have co-created with LabsLand, which are more than 7 at the time of the conference (and growing!).
Tobias Ortelt, from TU Dortmund in Germany, presented their work on remote laboratories, including the Electronics remote laboratory we deployed there last year.
Carlos Arguedas, from UNED (Costa Rica), presented the remote laboratories at UNED, including the Electronics laboratory that we deployed two years ago there and the new laboratories that we are deploying before summer.
Manuel Gericota, from ISEP (Portugal), presented the e-lives project (where LabsLand is a partner) and the e-Engineering Alliance.
Marco Winzker, from H-BRS (Germany), presented their work on FPGA’s. These laboratories are not yet available in LabsLand, but they have used the WebLab-Deusto software developed and maintained by LabsLand founders (as LabsLand is a spin-off the WebLab-Deusto research group).
Teresa Restivo (FEUP, Portugal) and Dieter Ucklemann (HFT Stuttgart, Germany) presented active initiatives in the field of remote and virtual laboratories.
Luis Rodriguez Gil and Pablo Orduña from LabsLand presented what new opportunities were identified by LabsLand.
Overall, it was a great and intensive (5 hours!) and productive meeting of some of the international partners of LabsLand.