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Leveraging AI for STEM education: the DSPACE EU project is starting

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AI is currently raising, and it is bound to transform so many fields. In LabsLand we believe EdTech and STEM education will certainly be two of those, and we aim to be at the forefront of these advancements. One of our initiatives is collaborating with the Discovery Space (DSPACE) Erasmus+ project, which is now starting! In partnership with several EU institutions, we aim to enhance the classroom experience through innovative AI tools, adaptive learning, and more.

Artificial Intelligence for EdTech and Remote Labs

The field of EdTech is moving quite rapidly, and Artificial Intelligence will most likely be a game-changer for online labs, including remote ones; and for STEM education in general. The capacities that AIs will provide will allow the learning process to be more customized and adapted than ever, facilitating personalized learning experiences; and making it easier for students to have access to support and guidance 24/7, when they need it.

The Discovery Space project

The Discovery Space project (DSPACE) is an Erasmus+ project. It aims to revolutionize STEM learning by integrating AI, virtual labs and other tools. Through an Exploratory Learning Environment, it wants to help students develop critical inquiry and problem-solving abilities. It emphasizes the use of cutting-edge technology to create engaging and adaptive educational experiences.

The role of LabsLand in DSPACE

LabsLand, as the world’s largest remote lab network, will play an important technical role in the DSPACE project. We will provide participants with to our network, with STEM laboratories for physics, chemistry, and biology. We will design a communication protocol and implement it across various labs, enabling integration with and within the Exploratory Learning Environment. This will allow real-time information exchange and configuration requests, supporting the project’s advanced adaptive learning tools and data collection efforts.

Other LabsLand initiatives in AI

In LabsLand we are quite convinced that AI is going to revolutionize EdTech, and remote labs in particular. That is why we’re committed to leveraging these innovations, and we are involved in multiple related initiatives. In addition to our involvement in DSPACE, we are developing the LabsLand AI Assistant, which uses generative AI to enhance remote lab experiences and provide 24/7 support with context-specific capabilities, thus being able to accurately answer specific queries about the lab and about the activities that the student is performing; and that can be adapted by the instructor (for example to fine tune what help the Assistant should provide and what help it shouldn’t). Furthermore, we collaborate on various AI-related projects with the University of Washington’s RHLab team and other exciting, yet-to-be-announced initiatives.


Luis Rodríguez Gil is CTO of LabsLand and one of its co-founders. He has been taking part for over 8 years in remote labs research. Now he works in LabsLand to ensure that this innovative technology reaches its full potential for education.